Discover the path to ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation with our expert massage therapy services – your first step towards a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.


At House of Hands, we specialize in various modalities of massage therapy so that you can enjoy the benefits of relaxation and pain relief. From the popular Swedish massage to sports massages for injuries and rehabilitation, we follow a pain-focused approach to ensure that your symptoms and discomfort are alleviated.


There are trigger points all over the body which cause specific pains and discomforts in various areas. At House of Hands, we offer a massage modality known as trigger point therapy in order to identify the source of trigger points and alleviate the pain caused by them. By cycling between the use of isolated pressure and release, patients can experience a significant decrease in pain after just one session.


House of Hands offers the opportunity to host spa parties for you and your guests. For at least four hours, your party will receive massages with the modality of your choice in the comfort of your home or any location you choose. Massage therapy can be done either on a chair or a table and all concerns will be addressed.